We are Seeking Volunteers.

There are no limits to the ways you can help All Creatures Deserving, but we wanted to be explicit about some of the different volunteer activities and expectations. In your application choose as many roles as you feel you can commit to based on the descriptions.

Animal Care Volunteers - We are seeking volunteers that can commit to at least one four hour shift per week to assist with cleaning and maintenance for on-site animals. It is helpful if this shift is consistent but we can be flexible on a week by week basis.

Animal Care volunteers will meet at the main rescue location in Portage Michigan to assist with the following activities:

  1. Cleaning out old bedding to replace new beddings in cages

  2. Replacing water dishes

  3. Removing and washing old food dishes.

  4. Feeding and meal prep

“The best part of being an animal care volunteer at ACD is closing the gap between us and wildlife. It’s great to be around Liz as she has a natural gift for helping animals.”

Operations Volunteers (Remote, Onsite)
We are seeking computer savvy volunteers that can commit to at least three hours per week to assist with operational tasks. These volunteers do not have to be on-site but we are always open to onsite collaboration at the satellite rescue location in Portage.

We are currently looking for operational volunteers that can assist with:

  1. Grant Writing - we are seeking funding to help us acquire a new bigger and better locations

  2. Media Management (likely some onsite requirements) - we are seeking someone to capture photos and videos to keep us stocked on great content for our social media sites.

  3. Other opportunities to help include website and newsletter maintenance, merchandising, volunteer coordination, fundraising support, and event planning.

“The best part of being an operations volunteer with ACD is using my corporate skill set for something I can see the impact for directly. I also enjoy the friends I’ve made that care about animals as much as I do.”

Manual Labor Volunteers (On-Site, Off-Site) 

We are seeking volunteers that can commit to at least two hours a week to assist with manual labor tasks. Much of our days are full of gathering supplies, picking up/dropping off animals, and maintenance of our animal enclosures.

We are currently looking for manual labor volunteers that can help with at least some of these tasks:

  1. Carry at least 30 pounds comfortably (think donated food boxes, crates of opossums, tree limbs that have fallen around enclosures)

  2. Complete pickups and drop offs - this could be animals, donated food, donations from a garage sale

  3. Complete simple builds and repairs - such as replacing screws in an enclosure, creating solutions for new enclosures.

  4. Completion of household tasks remotely (taking laundry/dishes offsite to complete and return)

“The best part of being a manual labor volunteer is that even with limited mobility, I can do something to help wildlife and their caretakers”