Fundraising Mission

We need a whole lot more room if our growth is going to continue! We want to be able to take in every animal that needs our help, but right now our limited space means we must turn many away. We would also love to start taking in a wider variety of larger animals which can only happen if we have enough land to accommodate their needs. Our dreams also include adding ambassador animals, outreach and educational programs, and having our administrative office on site.

Current Goals

We set out with a very ambitious goal of raising $400,000 which would allow us to purchase a property and update it to accommodate a fully functional wildlife rehabilitation rescue. In August we partnered with Wild Whiskers and hosted a benefit sale, which was a huge success and raised the money needed to pay for our ongoing fundraising efforts. We have a GoFundMe campaign and several other events planned as we embark on the mountainous climb toward our goal. July 4, 2024 is when we want to be out of our current location and the only way this is going to be possible is with the support of the huge community that we serve.

How You Can Help!

Donate - We can accept almost any form of monetary donation, so do what is easiest for you. 

  • GoFundMe

  • Recurring payments via Patreon

  • One-time donations via our website

  • Venmo, Paypal or CashApp

  • Cash & Checks (payable to All Creatures Deserving). 

Share - Sharing out posts on facebook is free, and getting the word out does so much for us. But you can go beyond just sharing our posts. Tell you friends, tag them on our posts, mention our fundraiser in person to the people you know. Word of mouth is a powerful way to get a message out to a community.

Run a fundraiser - This is the best thing you can do for us, plan a fundraising event at your work, school, church, or neighborhood. Running a bake sale, charity run, raffle, or similar and then donating the funds raised is a huge way to help us reach our goal. If you want help planning a fundraiser, or want promotional materials to help, reach out to us and we can work together to make it happen.

Volunteer - It takes a lot of time and energy to make this campaign a success. In addition to volunteering to help with the animals (,  you can also volunteer to help others with fundraising events!

Start a collection - Collect cans, change, supplies, things for us to sell, or other items that can help with what we do, or help us with our fundraising goals.

Buy Merch - All of our merch is made in house by our volunteers and is an awesome way to show support for us. Every T-shirt we sell not only helps raise funds, but when you wear it, it helps to spread the word about our brand and what we do.

Small business - If you own or operate a small business, consider running a fundraiser. This could be as simple as rounding up change at the register, having people donate bottles & cans, charging an extra dollar on a specific item that gets donated, a collection jar for people to make small donations, or really anything that you can think of. Reach out to talk to us for ideas on how you can help.

Real Estate - Do you or someone you know have a property that you may be willing to donate or sell on land contract to a good cause? If so, reach out to us so we can discuss it together.

Other - Just because it's not on the list, doesn’t mean that we are not interested. Reach out to us with your fundraising ideas and maybe we can make them happen. With your help we believe we can raise the money we need to expand our operation and better serve our community.